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Table of Contents
get /rs/v1/Country/list
post /rs/v1/Locate/searchByAddress
post /rs/v1/Locate/searchByPosition
post /rs/v1/Locate/searchByText
post /rs/v1/Map/renderMapByBounds
post /rs/v1/Map/renderMapByCenter
post /rs/v1/Route/calculateRouteDescription
get /rs/v1/Country/list
post /rs/v1/Locate/searchByAddress
post /rs/v1/Locate/searchByText
post /rs/v1/Route/calculateRouteInfo
A list of available countries. (rsV1CountryListGet)
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"bBox" : {
"minY" : 52.321274,
"minX" : 4.772248,
"maxY" : 52.439472,
"maxX" : 5.013947
"iso2" : "iso2",
"lang" : {
"key" : "lang"
"value" : "value",
"iso3" : "iso3"
}, {
"bBox" : {
"minY" : 52.321274,
"minX" : 4.772248,
"maxY" : 52.439472,
"maxX" : 5.013947
"iso2" : "iso2",
"lang" : {
"key" : "lang"
"value" : "value",
"iso3" : "iso3"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OKSearch for locations using structured address input. (rsV1LocateSearchByAddressPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
LocateSearchByAddress LocateSearchByAddress (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
}, {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OKSearch for addresses using structured coordinate input. (rsV1LocateSearchByPositionPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
LocateSearchByPosition LocateSearchByPosition (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
}, {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OKSearch for locations using a free-form text input. (rsV1LocateSearchByTextPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
LocateSearchByText LocateSearchByText (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
}, {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OKThe required map is described by its bounds.. (rsV1MapRenderMapByBoundsPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
MapRequestByBounds MapRequestByBounds (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"image" : "image",
"bounds" : {
"minY" : 52.321274,
"minX" : 4.772248,
"maxY" : 52.439472,
"maxX" : 5.013947
"zoom" : 0.8008281904610115
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK MapResponseThe required map is described by its center coordinate and its zooming. (rsV1MapRenderMapByCenterPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
MapRequestByCenter MapRequestByCenter (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"image" : "image",
"bounds" : {
"minY" : 52.321274,
"minX" : 4.772248,
"maxY" : 52.439472,
"maxX" : 5.013947
"zoom" : 0.8008281904610115
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK MapResponseCalculates and returns basic route information, descriptions and polyline. (rsV1RouteCalculateRouteDescriptionPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
RouteRequest RouteRequest (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"travelTime" : 6.027456183070403,
"distance" : 0.8008281904610115,
"trafficDelay" : 1.4658129805029452,
"waypoints" : [ {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
}, {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
} ],
"descriptions" : [ {
"country" : "country",
"networkClass" : 2,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"directions" : "directions",
"roadNumber" : "roadNumber",
"accDistance" : 5.962133916683182,
"accTime" : 5.637376656633329,
"description" : "description",
"maneuverType" : "START",
"roadName" : "roadName"
}, {
"country" : "country",
"networkClass" : 2,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"directions" : "directions",
"roadNumber" : "roadNumber",
"accDistance" : 5.962133916683182,
"accTime" : 5.637376656633329,
"description" : "description",
"maneuverType" : "START",
"roadName" : "roadName"
} ],
"polyline" : [ {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
}, {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK CalculateRouteDescriptionResponseTimeDistance
A list of available countries. (rsV1CountryListGet)
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"bBox" : {
"minY" : 52.321274,
"minX" : 4.772248,
"maxY" : 52.439472,
"maxX" : 5.013947
"iso2" : "iso2",
"lang" : {
"key" : "lang"
"value" : "value",
"iso3" : "iso3"
}, {
"bBox" : {
"minY" : 52.321274,
"minX" : 4.772248,
"maxY" : 52.439472,
"maxX" : 5.013947
"iso2" : "iso2",
"lang" : {
"key" : "lang"
"value" : "value",
"iso3" : "iso3"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OKSearch for locations using structured address input. (rsV1LocateSearchByAddressPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
LocateSearchByAddress LocateSearchByAddress (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
}, {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OKSearch for locations using a free-form text input. (rsV1LocateSearchByTextPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
LocateSearchByText LocateSearchByText (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
}, {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OKCalculates and returns basic route information and polyline. (rsV1RouteCalculateRouteInfoPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
RouteRequest RouteRequest (optional)
Body Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"travelTime" : 6.027456183070403,
"distance" : 0.8008281904610115,
"trafficDelay" : 1.4658129805029452,
"waypoints" : [ {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
}, {
"country" : "NL",
"score" : 100,
"coordinate" : {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"street" : "Dam",
"district" : "Amsterdam-Centrum",
"postcode" : "1012JS",
"description" : "Dam, 1012JS Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam",
"houseNr" : ""
} ],
"polyline" : [ {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
}, {
"x" : 4.892479,
"y" : 52.373127
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK CalculateRouteInfoResponseTrafficAPI
A GeoJson feature collection with the current (dutch) traffic situation. Includes congestions and major roadworks (rsV1TrafficFeaturesPost)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
TrafficOptions TrafficOptions (optional)
Body Parameter —
[ Jump to Methods ]
Table of Contents
- Up
Represents the address of a geographical object. Where a string, such as a city or street name, is available in multiple languages, it is returned in the default language specified by the object's location, i.e. in which country it is located. Because addressing schemes vary strongly between countries, most fields are optional.
postcode (optional)
String The postal code of the address.
street (optional)
String The street name of the address
houseNr (optional)
String The HouseNr of the address
district (optional)
String The district of the address, i.e. the entity below city.
city (optional)
String The city of the address,
province (optional)
String The name of the principal country subdivision which the address belongs to
country (optional)
String Country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Defaults to NL. The search will be restricted to this country. When empty, all countries contained in the geocoding data will be included in the search.
- Up
Boundaries are used for defining the minimal boundary rectangle of a geographical object. It contains the minimum and maximum values for x and y dimension.
minX (optional)
Double Minimum value for x dimension. The numerical value has to be less than or equal to maxX. format: double
maxY (optional)
Double Maximum value for x dimension. The numerical value has to be greater than or equal to minX. format: double
maxX (optional)
Double Minimum value for y dimension. The numerical value has to be less than or equal to maxY. format: double
minY (optional)
Double Maximum value for y dimension. The numerical value has to be greater than or equal to minY. format: double
- Up
distance (optional)
Double The distance of the complete route. format: double
travelTime (optional)
Double The travel time for the complete route. format: double
trafficDelay (optional)
Double The total delay due to traffic incidents(traffic jams, construction sites etc.) on the route. format: double
waypoints (optional)
descriptions (optional)
array[RouteDescription] List of descriptions describing the route
polyline (optional)
array[Coordinate] List of coordinates of the polyline of the route
- Up
distance (optional)
Double The distance of the complete route. format: double
travelTime (optional)
Double The travel time for the complete route. format: double
trafficDelay (optional)
Double The total delay due to traffic incidents(traffic jams, construction sites etc.) on the route. format: double
waypoints (optional)
polyline (optional)
- Up
A coordinate is defined by its x and y values, specifying the geographical point in a two-dimensional coordinate system
- Up
- Up
- Up
Represents a geographical object in terms of its position and its address.
postcode (optional)
String The postal code of the address.
street (optional)
String The street name of the address
houseNr (optional)
String The HouseNr of the address
district (optional)
String The district of the address, i.e. the entity below city.
city (optional)
String The city of the address,
province (optional)
String The name of the principal country subdivision which the address belongs to
country (optional)
String Country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Defaults to NL. The search will be restricted to this country. When empty, all countries contained in the geocoding data will be included in the search.
coordinate (optional)
score (optional)
Integer Indicates the overall match quality for a geocoding request. 100 (percent) represents a perfect match between the input and the result. format: int32
description (optional)
String A single string representing the address, typically consisting of the street, house number, postal code, city, and country. The precise format may differ based on what is appropriate for the address.
- Up
- Up
language (optional)
String The language of texts on the rendered map. Defaults to nl. This standard allows to use two-letter ISO 639-1 codes
- Up
imageOptions (optional)
mapOptions (optional)
center (optional)
zoom (optional)
Integer The geographical resolution at which to display the map, where zoom 0 corresponds to a map of the Earth fully zoomed out, and larger zoom levels zoom in at a higher resolution. Offering a map of the entire Earth as a single image would either require an immense map, or a small map with very low resolution. As a result, map images are broken up into map 'tiles' and 'zoom levels'. At low zoom levels, a small set of map tiles covers a wide area; at higher zoom levels, the tiles are of higher resolution and cover a smaller area. Fractional values are allowed. The zoom is currently restricted to the range 0..22. Range: 0 ≤ value. format: int32
- Up
- Up
accDistance (optional)
Double The distance of the route from the start up to this description. format: double
accTime (optional)
Double The travel time for the route from the start up to this event. format: double
description (optional)
String A descriptive text for the current maneuver.
directions (optional)
String The city names and road numbers on a signpost at the current location to follow for the current maneuver.
roadName (optional)
String The name of the current road
roadNumber (optional)
String The road number
networkClass (optional)
Integer Defines the network class of a road. The road segments are divided into eight network classes by importance of the roads they represent. The network class 0 represents the most important roads, for example highways, while road segments of network class 7 are the least important roads, for example pedestrian paths. Range: 0 ≤ value ≤ 7. format: int32
maneuverType (optional)
country (optional)
coordinate (optional)
- Up
vehicle (optional)
optimization (optional)
language (optional)
String The language of texts such as maneuver or traffic-incident descriptions. Defaults to nl. This standard allows to use two-letter ISO 639-1 codes
avoidHighways (optional)
Boolean Force the routing algorithm to avoid freeways
avoidToll (optional)
Boolean Force the routing algorithm to avoid tollroads
avoidFerry (optional)
Boolean Force the routing algorithm to avoid ferries
avoidTrafficIncidents (optional)
Boolean Force the routing algorithm to avoid current traffic
referenceTime (optional)
Date format: date-time
timeConsiderationType (optional)
includePolyline (optional)
Boolean Include the polyline of the route. The polyline is a list of sequential coordinates of roadnodes
- Up
- Up
countries (optional)
array[String] list of countries to include in the traffic information (currently only Dutch and Belgium traffic information is available)
language (optional)
String The language used for geographic names. Defaults to nl. This standard allows to use two-letter ISO 639-1 codes